Jul 24, 2011

Wir sind gleich (we are equals)

So I got pretty bored and decided to skim the internet looking for bad people.  No real reason, and trust me, you don't have to look far on the interweb.  I found a very sickly society in the neo-nazi party of America.
(Very prolonged sigh)
     I read a bit of their stuff on the website because I don't like to pass judgement if I was uninformed, but it was a waste of my time because all my ideas were right anyhow.  The website had a big panicked looking headline that said something like "Now 4 states are more minority than white!"  Umm.... so?  They also had merchandise covered in swastikas and somewhat uninformed looking books such as "Why race matters", "Who runs the media?" (the insinuation was that the Jews do) and "Slavery and the Jews".  If they're referring to the slavery that took place in America a long time ago (terrible practice, can't believe we did that) I don't think Jews really took any more part in it than anyone else.  Probably less actually since at the time they were newer immigrants with a little less money than some.  But what can you expect from the "master-race"?  Now I am not officially an "Aryan" (I'm mostly European, true, but I've got a bit of Native American in me and no blue eyes or blond hair), so I've never been contacted by this party, but my friend Aaron, who has blond hair and blue eyes, got the offer from them to pay for his schooling.  Being a sensible person, he didn't go for it (BYU wouldn't go for it either) and the joke's on the nazis.  Aaron's part Jewish!  Do they actually go on looks alone?  Seems kinda shallow.
      One of the agendas on the neo-nazi site was an all-aryan nation.  The premise being that there are all African nations, all Asian nations, and even an all Jewish nation (good heavens!)  so why not an all Aryan nation?  Well sorry folks, but the self-proclaimed Aryans (who are the annoying ones, there are plenty of people who could pass as Aryan who just don't consider themselves that way for simple reasons) have never really needed a country of their own.  It's implausible!  Of course if making this country didn't uproot anyone else, and all the neo-nazis went to live in it, well maybe then it's not such a terrible idea.  They'd be out of our hair at least.
      I think there's one reason that the nazis slightly trouble me and that's because a number of them know how to work the system.  They aren't all crazy people with death wishes (at least not public death wishes) who like to parade swastikas through Jewish neighborhoods (though on one occasion they did win the right to do that, thank heavens they backed out.)  The website mentioned going through smaller means like school boards and city councils.  They can legally do this and go ahead and put Nazi clubs in schools.   ...  THAT'S HOW HITLER STARTED HIS BRAINWASHING!!!!  This is troubling.
       Now, if someone with racist attitudes (the website said everyone was racist, I guess I didn't realize I don't have a choice in the matter) goes out and does something terrible, such as a bombing or shooting, they get locked up forever.  Any group they affiliated with gets investigated and often restricted if it echoed the sentiments.  The damage can't be undone and it is horrible, but any future problems from that group is prevented.  If, however, a group tries to go through only legal practices like the neo nazis attempt, they have the right to free speech to spew their crap.
        Understand me here:  I do not think that this is a grave threat.  Enough people have common sense to ignore and deflect the nazi attempts and the movement probable won't expand.  I honestly don't think it will grow any time soon.  It just seems kinda odd to me that this party still exists.  Race...
       Here's what race means to me.  I'm talking strictly the physical differences, mainly skin color.  If I compare myself, a pretty white guy, to an African American gentlemen, the only thing I'm really going to think about our different tones is "Dang, he probably doesn't sunburn... lucky!"  and that's the extent I think anyone should take in a first meeting with someone of different color.
      Seriously nazis, go outside, take a deep breath, wave to your Asian neighbor, who will be apprehensive at first because you have a swastika flag, but will relax when you take it down and throw it out.  Then go learn to golf or something.  Race is just race.  You can be proud of your own if you want, but it doesn't make it better than someone else's.  It's not.

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