Jul 17, 2011

Here I am

Been at this family reunion since Friday, it's pretty fun, though I'll be back at school on Monday for classes.  It's kinda nice to only have to drive four hours to get to my Grandma's house instead of 25...
On a sort of related note, this part of southern Utah is about 1200 feet higher than the valley Provo is which is actually pretty inconvenient because I have to go through minor altitude sickness again.  The migraines can be pretty horrible (which the many hours on the Wii with my brothers hasn't helped) but I can't say I haven't been there before sadly enough.  Thank heavens for pain killers!  Now what they need to make is pain annihilators... that aren't marijuana based...
So I normally don't like to reference Facebook in this because then I might have to admit to myself that I'm addicted, but I noticed today that it's got a even better way to creep (which I actually don't do that much) which is the "view friendship" button.  It basically just shows all the interactions and things you have in common with whomever you choose to view with.  I did it with a very old friend of mine and frankly got a bit nostalgic.  Not gonna lie, this college thing/my life will never be the same thing, is really taking its time to sink in.  Good thing I have some friends here otherwise I probably would be doing a lot worse.  The one thing I refuse to do is wash out.  I WON'T!
(Still haven't met any women, like literally the only females I've conversed with in the last few weeks have been related to me.)

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