Dec 2, 2010


I'm waaaaaaaaaaay too tired to be posting right now...  I went and played some band thing and then partied a bit in the band area...

Yeah, that was really fun actually, but now I'm tired... but you already know that

Trocker is full of life, which is a good thing, I hope I have enough life to keep up.

     I think I'm a fun guy, but if I get down (not terribly common) then I'm down and out (temporarily), a pathetic little problem called seasonal affective disorder(S.A.D. ironically), otherwise known as seasonal depression, but I prefer the term "winter blues".

What is that you ask?
Well a person who has it just has randomly placed depressed days, in the winter.  If you're not privy as to what depression is like, I will regrettably enlighten you.
Take all your ambitions and call them worthless.  Take all your friends and assume they like you out of pity.  Take all your personality defects and multiply them.  Take all your talents and devalue them, focus on how they lack in some areas.  Ignore that any kind of happiness or hope even exists.  Add all these together and you understand what a depressing day is.
    The curious part, for me anyway, is that in this state, I know fully well what's causing it and that most of the things my mind is telling me are false, and yet I'm still irreversibly in the dumps.
    I don't know why I felt compelled to write all that, probably sleep deprivation or something cuz I'm actully in a decent mood.

... this wasn't easy to write though....

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