Dec 20, 2010


I love dreams usually.  I don't recall if I've mentioned that and I'm much too lazy to go check right now...  Anyhow, I firmly believe that dreams can tell you things about yourself and your life, though maybe not every night.  The subconscious mind is linked indirectly to what you do in your daily life, so why can't it throw that back in your face at night, when reality is no restriction to being blatantly told what's up?  Of course, without reality, some dreams are indeed difficult to interpret, plus the added difficulty of often forgetting dreams (so annoying). 
Here's a curious dream I vaguely recall:
Me and an unrecognizable friend of mine were looking in a large book of witchcraft (I have no idea how I knew it was full of witchcraft) and decided to make one of the potions.  It took awhile, since me and this friend didn't think to add the crucible of some sorta powder to the rest of the brew, which was essential.  However, when we did, it fizzed, turned blue and liquidy, and we had to put it into a medium sized bottle quickly...
I drank a swallow of the blue stuff, then finally looked into the book and it read that this potion was a "hallucinogen"... that's when I woke up.
Or DID I wake up!  Maybe I'm actually hallucinating right now and all this world is the dream, and my dream was true...  Darn witches!!!

In truth, I highly doubt that theory, but it was a vivid dream anyhow...

Speaking of dreams, my dream's come true, me and Trocker = Dating, couple-type people! 


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