Dec 21, 2010

Hey Child!

I have a baby cousin who has reached the "runner" age.  This means that he's still small and cute, and oh my word is he curious!  Plus, now he can run away from my aunt, which is kind of hilarious.

Ahh, what a beautiful thing though, for such curiosity to bloom in the little tyke.  The world is opening up to him now that he's out of the "bare essentials" stage, where his only thoughts were probably hungry, tired, or not.  Now he's starting to see what the world is, and he wants to figure it out.  So of course, the second he's set down, he takes off to see this or that, driving parental units everywhere mad, since there's a lot of breakable or dangerous things for a 1-year old (I think he's one now anyway).
If you've read my previous posts, you may have figured out the value I find in curiosity in most things (I still say don't bother with drugs and alcohol, there's one I'll just take their word for it)...  The sheer "newness" of everything, that I now take for granted.  I kind of wish I remember what it was like to discover everything... how to even use my body and why was it that the sun just keeps coming up in the morning?

But now, I'm past that, now the world, though it may not always make sense, everything has some sort of reason for happening...

Hmm, fruit by the foot... that sounds really delicious right now

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