Dec 16, 2010

Randomness #4

How many "randomness" posts am I going to do?  Well, it would beat the purpose of randomness if I decidided on a number beforehand, now wouldn't it!  How often will I do "randomness" posts?  See previous answer.  If you don't like them, well then bummer!

I've got a date with Trocker on Saturday!
I've got a date with Trocker on Saturday!
I've got a date with Trocker on Saturday!
I've got a date with Trocker on Saturday!

Oh, whenever I repeat myself like that, in my mind I am not just repeating it blandly.  I am singing it, which makes a bit more sense.  So if you'd like, you can put it to any fitting tune, and it may clear things up.  Like allergy spray does!!

Dr. Who.  Good show.  Need to catch up a lot on it though I'm afraid, yes indeed.  Netflix? Maybe?

Oh my gosh, he's wearing a fez!!!  You'll notice i didn't use the phrase "Oh my God"... can't say I like that phrase at all.  I'm a religious guy y'see and using God in such a flippant phrase seems a bit... not blasphemous, that's too strong... oh I don't know, tacky maybe?
Likewise, I detest swearing in nearly all cases, it's just a bit cliche, and frankly I guess I'm old fashioned when it comes to vulgarity.  Ok, that's my rant for this post *insert smiley emoticon here*

I could go for a root beer float... or maybe some dark chocolate.  I get random cravings for random foods sometimes (though it's very often Mac 'n Cheese mmm), there's a theory that I must be pregnant (???)... umm, last time I checked, men don't get that way....  I hope...

I've taken to listening to Pandora radio sometimes, usually while doing homework (Chemistry's getting better now!) and in most cases, Pandora plays music I like!  But how come I got a song from the Curious George Songbook when I was listening to the Muse station?  And the other day, the same station kept playing depressing piano music (which I do have some taste for, but it was nearly every other song!!!  That's no good!)

I had a friend who said it was her dream to climb a giraffe's neck and ride on it's head... In most situations I encourage people to follow their dreams, and this is one of the situations.

PWITCHOW! Let's go make some toast!!! Yeah!

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