Dec 9, 2010

Oh most amazingness

I'm in a good mood today!!  At first I didn't know hwy since it's just like any ordinary Thursday (though I quite like thursdays) ... woah!  I just realized that when I blog, I think the words I'm writing in a British accent!  That's totally weird... (I'm from the USA in case you were too lazy to check my profile, though I don't blame I suppose)...

RIGHT!  Thursday!  A Good Thursday!
Well, I found out today that our class chose it's class motto as "Veni, Vidi, Vici" which excited me because I'm the guy who randomly submitted that one!  (Had my class known it was me, I frankly doubt it would've won, the price of my nerdiness, hee hee) And it turns out I'm something of a hero in my Broadcast Communications class for my video editing know-how! (I'm slightly a nerd, did I mention that?)  So it just occurred to me that this class is pretty much going to be a breeze,  and I like a good breeze after Chemistry, which isn't so breeze like... (I surrender the prementioned nerdiness due to my lack of mathematical prowess)...

I'm seriously considering a major in video editing...  I know I was planning one in broadcasting with more of a ...  Ok, I confess, when I said considering, a whole awesome idea came to me...  It just came together!


A.) Major in video editing, get a good job there, yadda yadda yadda
B.) Get a good job there, yadda yadda yadda (hoping for something in movies as opposed to normal television)
C. ) with this more advanced editing know-how, I can have money to get good equipment, put my editing and acting skills together (I like acting, did I mention) and become that Youtube sensation I've always (well, not always, but recently) dreamed of being!!  Some of those guys even get paid!!!!  This is incredible...

I'm psyched now!  Can I take college classes yet?  Not just yet though, I'm still looking forward to spending a good deal of time with my... Girlfriend? ... Well, not yet, but very soon, Trocker!  Yes that's right!

And now I'm gonna dance...

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