Dec 31, 2010

Depth: Second and Third tunnels

I returned, with my retracting ankle rope, to the place with five tunnels. This time I chose to go into the largest one in the middle. This also had blackness on the walls, but there were lots of silver patches everywhere, which was reassuring. This tunnel was a bit more confusing. I figured out that it was my present and very recent thoughts. Trocker was there, with me, but it wasn't me because I could see myself, if that makes any sense. Neither of them acknowledged my existence near them, which makes sense since they were only thoughts anyhow. I honestly don't remember very much from this tunnel, even though I'm writing very shortly after I made this little pilgrimage, but I do recall that this tunnel had floating thoughts and memories, they looked like bits of fog (fog underwater?) and if one hit me, then I immediately pictured something that had been on my mind at some point, in this case, a movie me and my little brothers had made the other day. It was gone quickly, and I don't remember being hit by any more. This tunnel was not very “deep” because it was present thought, which doesn't always stick around, especially with me, as I get distracted very often.
At this point, I used my rope to come back to the larger area with the five tunnels. This time I took the small tunnel on the bottom, which I managed to “squeeze” through. (I'd like to remind you, that in all truth, I'm simply laying down with my eyes closed, but it did seem real to me). I found a small room, and a copy of myself sitting contentedly on some seat. Unlike the thoughts in the other tunnels, this one could see me and said hello. He went on to explain that this tunnel was sort of the “help toolbar” tunnel and that he could possibly explain some things that confused me. I asked if he could go with me. He tried, but the tunnel shut when he went near it. This was because my mind was not open enough yet, he explained (I explained? This thought did look and sound like me, though a bit more calmly than I usually act). He told me that if I continued to practice I would open up more tunnels than the five here, and that there was even a tunnel to a library of my memories. Also, the tunnel on the right was a tunnel of my senses, and that I should try checking it out. Figuring it was I good idea, I left the small tunnel and reentered the zone of five tunnels...
What a curious thing is the mind.

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