Dec 16, 2010

A quick invective

I love being in band.  Concert band, marching band, jazz band, you name it!  Yes it can be hard, yes sometimes it can be a little tedious, but doesn't that go for all activities.

Well it seems some rather ignorant folks from my school have decided to make a hatin' group about all of my school's band program today...

why?   ...   Why?  For the love of moses, what is THE FREAKING POINT?!?!?!?
They say we take budget, no wrong, sorry guys, we pay for most of it ourselves and through fundraisers, and I've NEVER been in a coach bus for band, have you for football?  Basketball?  Anything else?  Do I complain?  NO!!!  You guys fricking earned your way to go to other competitions for your fricking sports!!!!  GOOD FRICKING JOB!  So now, you all decide that you need that clever excitement of a hate group?  Why not the band kids?  Why not say we're all fags and other things?!?!  GO AHEAD!

No don't go ahead... I'm sorry. 
If I've offended anyone by being in band and enjoying being in band.  I apologize...
What else can I do?  I can't do your sports, I've tried, I've failed, can't I do what I want to do, and not have people just stepping on it?
I don't mind you doing what you like, I think it's great to follow your passion for things. go for it, I won't say a thing...
Can I have that same luxury?
Is that too much to ask?

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