Nov 30, 2010

Oh, the mind...

I meant to say "hello how are you?"  That is what I was thinking because that's what I meant to say, a normal greeting for a normal event.  Instead I said something more along the lines of "Ya know what's weird?  Wait shoot,  I meant to say him ok hi!  But what's weird is... never mind I'll shut up..."... 

I think the curious thing is that I never told my mouth to say that beforehand...  not one bit, I just wanted an average greeting and now I'm spewing random words like a crazy person!  Where did that come in? 

I admit, a small part of me is annoyed at myself for being a bit of a dork, which I'll openly admit is one of my traits.  However, I'm also slightly intrigued by the way my mind and body work in conglomeration!  Where did the thought process get corrupted from my brain to my mouth?  Why did it sound so much more nervous then I intended it to be, I didn't feel very nervous I think...  What an interesting, but confusing, thing.  The same thing goes for my eye-hand coordination, which is a joke.  I do not catch footballs.  It just really very rarely happens.  What gets me though, is that I can see it coming, and I think (this is an exploded format of the thought process, I confess) "Ah, here comes the ball, to catch it I simply reach my hands out and grasp it at the right time!"  and then I grunt when the ball hits me in the chest because my hands missed!  The funny thing would be that I totally knew what i had to do, and I know my mind isn't that slow (I'm good at video games, so I'm pretty sure my reaction time is good) but my body just seems to disagree?

  So who's in charge?  The mind or the body?  I always used to figure, of course the brain is, it runs all the functions, but now that I think about it, I wonder if the body doesn't get it's fair say.  Or maybe there's a whole unexplored part of the mind which just loves to confuse things (maybe I should look more deeply into self-hypnosis)... Wait, no, I'm going to take that out of parentheses, I'm going to look into self-hypnosis, and see if there is anything to the attempt of visualizing what's going on in the mind!

I'll tell you how it goes sometime, but for now, I hope your not as confused as I feel right now...

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