Dec 13, 2010


Yes cookies, I ate too many cookies yesterday... isn't that just utterly fascinating? 
hmm, it's hard to convey sarcasm in writing, which is bad because I use it quite a bit, in a hopefully non-hurtful way.  I don't like hurting people.

          We got the most snow (on friday/saturday, yes it snowed all day) here that I've seen for as long as I've lived here, and that has been since I was five. It... was... ridiculous....  Church got canceled, schools two hours delayed (which is why I'm writing right now :) ) But now I'm in a sort of winter wonderland-like place thing...

Gosh dang it, I was going to write about something cool and exciting and now it's escaped me as to what it is...  shoot!  Umm...  Ok, guys, bear with me for a moment, I need to think
Nope fresh out...  Man, my eyes are watery, not cuz I'm emotionally invested in anything, but because I just swallowed a spoonful of tabasco sauce.
This is not because I have masochistic qualities mind you, but rather because a spoonful of the hot stuff actually treats the symptoms of a sore throat!  No joke!  You swallow it down, suffer and cry for about five minutes, and then your throat is golden for 6-10 hours!  It's incredible!  Though it's best for a raw feeling throat, if it's just all gunked up, use lemon juice...

Yeah that's about the limit of my interestingness right now.

So lets all go fly a kite! I don't care what the weather's like!

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