Sep 23, 2011

Well THAT was scary!

     Yesterday in the middle of ballroom dance class I was very suddenly struck with immense pain in my abdomen.  I've had some pretty bad stomach problems in the past, and those hurt for sure, but nothing like this!  I had to sit out of the rest of class, and upon returning to my dorm and trying to just lay down and hope it went away I concluded that this was no small thing and that I should probably get help.  Fortunately I had the sense of mind to call my mother to see whether I oughta call an ambulance (I was considering it because seriously I was ouch!)  She instead had me get my brother Dave to pick me up and take me to the clinic.
         After sucking blood and urine out of me, the doctor said a lot of scary words such as gall bladder disease, appendicitis, kidney stones and more.  They gave me some pretty heavy painkiller after this (non drowsy, surprisingly) and i went to spend the night with my brother (so I could get a speedy ride to ER if need be, which I didn't).
        Fortunately, the pain stopped and today I feel right as rain, though I did go in for an ultrasound today (who knew it was for more than just pregnant women).  It's definitely not kidney stones, but we won't write me off as entirely fit until we get the ultrasound results back.  If it's NOT one of my organs, then the doctor suggested that it was just a randomly severe case of gastric distress.
         Phew!  Crisis averted! (most likely)

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