Sep 27, 2011


          If you met me in person, you would wonder who the heck writes this blog.
     Is this seriously the guy who writes all those depressing posts and occasionally some scattered deeper thoughts?  Well, I doubt it, he seems like a pretty happy guy!  Heck, he even seems friendly.
Well, you're right, I tend to be happier and more friendly when I'm talkin' to folks.  In public in general I usually am in a decent mood (key word is usually, mind you).  Also, if I am in one of my low down funks, like I was all fricking weekend, I'm excellent at faking a better mood.  Those acting classes paid off!
Understand that when I'm writing in my blog I'm alone.  It's when I'm alone that the demons are let loose on my conscious mind.  If you ever read my post about having Seasonal Affective Disorder (winter blues) I've come to realize that that wasn't right.  I've got year round depression.  Yipee.  However, I also have a strong rationalization mindset which means I can't hold onto a bad mood indefinitely.  Also, like I said, if I'm with people it's a lot easier to be happy.
So don't worry good folks!  If you choose to befriend me, you aren't in for a friendship of mopeyness!  The only person my depression generally affects is me.
And here's a song and video that always always get to me.
It kinda echoes my own conviction not to use meds.

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