Sep 21, 2011

Water water water!

Man, water's lucky!  It gets two hydrogens for every oxygen!

         In all seriousness I was thinking about water in a deep way today.  Just now really.  In a world of complicated relationships, man's relationship with water is one of the oddest.
         Before I start that I might as well talk about what I think about water in general.  First of all, it's one of the most destructive forces on the earth.  Whether it's slowly making it's way to make something like the grand canyon or being pushed by an earthquake to make a tsunami.  Earthquake=bad.  Tsunami=Usually worse.  In fact water is such a big part of Earth that ancient Greek scientists (called natural philosophers at the time) either put it as either one of the four elements (Avatar!) or as simply the base element of everything.  It's some pretty big stuff!
        As far as our relationship goes, it's definitely a weird one.  Our bodies are 70+% water.  We're essentially mobile and intelligent bags of mostly H2O!  If this percent sinks just a bit due to dehydration we wouldn't last the week.  So clearly, we should love water.  It keeps us not dead!
        On the other hand, when water comes to us for FREE from the SKY then a lot of us get grumpy and do things to keep that goshdarn water from touching us.  We don't want you water!  Only when we command it do we want you, water!!!
        And then there's the dark side of water.  Although it's good to be in us, there are parts of our body that would be pleased as punch to stay pretty much water free.  Namely the lungs is in this category.
We go swim in water (wetness is another thing we want on demand I guess) and then for some reason get pulled under by something or other we are in trouble.  Water refuses to be our friend and if we let it in our lungs.  It gets us very dead.
        Also showering? Bathing? Water fights? Chinese water torture?  It's so comprehensive!
Water is our lifeblood, our entertainment, our hygiene, our irritation, our murderer, and sometimes a source of extreme destruction.
Well well well...

(hey, you get water out of a well!)

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