Sep 16, 2011

Am I unique in this?

Man I'm getting to dread Friday nights...
        Every time I walk through campus on a friday evening there are so many people with one thing in common.  They're with somebody.  I don't mean in a couple sense (though there's plenty of those too) but just with SOMEBODY... whether its a friend or work partner I don't know.
       I guess I'm just a bit lonely.
This isn't fair to the friends I do have here.  I'm not a friendless bastard, but I can't say I have a high number and they, well, have other things to do lots of the time.  I surely can't blame them.  Also I don't think it's that I'm repulsive... just shy which makes making new friends sorta difficult.
         Heh, I sound pathetic don't I.

As for dating, well I'm kinda just praying for freak chance in that department.

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