Sep 4, 2011

La belle demoiselle

              Hmm...  Now here's something curious:  For the first time in about 6 or 5 months I saw a female who I found, well, attractive.
             It's not that in all that time I've never seen someone who I thought pretty, but it was just that.  A run of the mill "oh, she's cute" then never think of her again sort of thing.  Not the case this time.
          Well, I don't know her name, but I've seen her a couple times on campus and for some reason I've thought of her a lot.  I'm fairly certain she's a freshman like me, cuz she was wearing this years freshman orientation shirt and, well, she looked like the kind of indie girl I would, y'know, get along well with.
         Now I'll be the first to say of course that this is just fantasizing.  I don't know this person, maybe we're completely incompatible and it's not unlikely that we'll never meet.  Still, a guy can dream.  I'm pretty glad I'm dreaming again, 'cuz it's been ridiculous how long it's taken for that to kick back into action.  I mean, I haven't really dated at all or anything in, well, 5-6 months.  Can't say I'm the most social creature, but I do like dating.  Quite a lot really.
          So I'll tell you if I meet with success in any exploits or anything because if you still read this blog it means that you must be interested in that sort of thing.

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