Sep 11, 2011

10 years ago...

          At the exact moment that they fell... well I was at school most certainly...  third grade it would have been.  Probably happened during recess.
         We all came in from it and began our normal lessons.  The janitor, who was everybody's favorite person in the school, walked in and simply said something along the lines of "The Twin Towers fell".
         I didn't get it at first (I was pretty young) but I do know that the rest of the day I saw the same scene on televisions all throughout the school.  Being only 8, I just couldn't comprehend that 3000-5000 people had just died.  Not from accident either, but from people.  People who put their own lives up to kill others.
        After a long day at school where very little was learned, I got home to my mom watching that scene again.  She was crying.  For some reason, that's when it really hit me too.
        That night, we left the news on all the time.  I saw the big flashing words of "America at War".  I saw fires on the TV where we had been bombing (it took me a long time to realize why).  I remember my little brothers didn't have a clue what was going on.  I sort of envy them for that.
Throughout history, worse events have happened.  In my history, though, this probably tops any other...

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