Sep 29, 2011

Randomness #8

It's been forever since I did an installment of Randomness!  Heck, my first one was almost an entire year ago!  Is this blog really that old?  Go figure.  A lot has happened in a year.  Eh, whatever, let's get to the random stuffz.

Snoring is evil.  Seriously, it's one bodies way of secretly trying to destroy the world one sleep deprived roommate at a time.  It's gonna get us!

Word of the day is Portend: To foreshadow.  Your slight interest in that portends that you will continue reading.  Unless you're a jerk who likes to feel smugly superior by deliberately not reading on just to prove me wrong.  Only you will know.

We were filmed in ballroom dance.  I didn't have a partner until the last minute, and it was someone I never practiced with before... it did not go very well.  However,  I still think I'm doing pretty well in that class.

Asiago bagels here are not very good.  Taste kind of like cheesy earwax >:P .

Pizza bagels here are amazing!  I would eat them everyday except that I wouldn't.  Cuz then they would get gross.

Let's cook an egg on the pavement, but not eat it.  Because that would be gross.  Because of the sediment.  F#!@ THAT S%#@!  Look how hilarious I can be.

Dry British humor is the best around.  I believe this because you have to have a quick wit to catch half of it.  You also have to have a decent intelligence (usually) to get some of it.  That way you're actually expanding your mind when you watch British shows.  Like Doctor Who.  It makes me smart.

I make some pretty dang freakin' good snickerdoodles.  They are much better than your grandma's.

Programming in Java comes very easily to some people.  I am not one of those people.  I think I MIGHT have basic HTML down.  Clearly being a web designer is out of the question for me.  That was never really in my consideration, though.

Boy, there's a lot of sex jokes on the internet.  It's almost as if people laugh at them.  Oh, but they do.  How crass.

Now poop.  Poop is refined humor.

I have probably proposed to more men then women.  Obviously this was done in jest, and I'm probably not bisexual.  ...  Hmm...  Well...  No, I'm not bisexual.  I've liked only women in any beyond-a-friend way.

Scratch that, I don't like anyone, you're all scum and love is dead.  (Imagine that said in a serious deadpan voice.)

Ooooooook, maybe you're not scum.  No, you're probably nice people.  I like you guys.  (Still deadpan.)

I wonder if there's more shy people in the world than outgoing ones.  We'd never be able to get a very accurate count of them, cuz they're shy.  I can say that cuz I'm shy.  In public anyways, on my blog I'll tell you anything, right down to a rash on me bum.

No rash, btw.

Well, that was fun wasn't it?  I'm glad you think so.  You really enjoyed it?  What the heck is wrong with you?  It's just some guy writing whatever pops into his addled mind.  You people are weird.
Oh alright...
Love you all!
[insert hug-that-makes-it-all-better here]

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