Aug 27, 2011


        This term is looking pretty good class wise.  I've got sociology, two dance classes, Intro to film, and intro to creativity.  I like that.  I also got a job at the cafeteria here, which I need to go to in a few hours, but that's irrelevant.  Prep cooking is what I do, which beats the heck out of custodial, let me tell you (though we still clean plenty).  I'm in a good building, found some good books and can always spend time on Minecraft if I get too bored which I probably won't because I've also got a couple friends here (Daniel and Jacob, Aaron left).
        Now there's the matter of my roommate.  ... This is where I'm going to learn a lesson in tolerance you see.  Don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice enough fellah.  Doesn't snore, which is a HUGE plus.  However, he is a gamer.  I don't have any problems with gamers... But I do have a problem with subwoofers.  They're good for a little pumping dubstep rave deal, but for Nazi Zombies?  I can feel the explosions throughout my whole body!  How does he stand it??  Maybe I'm just a bit sound sensitive, but seriously?
         Ok, so loud gamin in the middle of the day, not actually all that bad, but now I'm hearing talk of movie parties in here... aw man, I hate that cuz I'm usually in bed by midnight, seems like a good time for it, and I have the sneaking suspicion that they will go past midnight.  With a subwoofer.
Well, I will adapt I guess.

I guess I'm just not a loud person in nearly every respect.

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