Aug 30, 2011

I will try to heal others

So I've realized in my recent posts I've been complaining about being lonely and the like.
I'm not sorry.  I am lonely and know that it's partially my fault.  And I'm also not afraid to say that by lonely I mean "girl" lonely.  I've gone the longest without either having a girlfriend or even a crush in 6 freaking years.  That's pathetic, but it's who I am I guess.  No, not I guess.  It's who I am.
        I am someone who wants to be there for someone and who has someone be there for him when he gets really low on life.  Is that wrong?  I realize it's not for everyone, but it is for me.  So there.
Now for some more serious things.

            Today I'm once again trying to help a friend.  It's a kind of help I've given before.  Ah frick, I'm not gonna be mysterious, I've got a friend who has hinted at suicide.  I had another friend do that, and I did the sensible thing of calling for help.  Technically I called the police, even though I knew it could have killed our friendship, but it did save this person's life I believe. (And she did forgive me).
        Now it's happening again with someone else, and I will do what I can to prevent this.  Might be tough because I'm 1250 miles from this person this time.  However, there's already some hopeful leads here.  I will not quit on others.

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