Aug 23, 2011


Yes that's right folks, I've been indoctrinated to the world of Minecraft and let me tell you it's a drug!  I love the adventure to it!  The fact that there's no way to "win" kinda makes it even better! With a game like Ocarina of time, you spend a good deal of time trying to do quests and kill bad guys and then you win and then.... what?  I mean I guess you could replay it a few times and get the secret candies or whatever are out there, but it gets dull quick.  With Minecraft ya just keep going!  You can build big cool things and show them off and such (I made a pirate ship, it's sweet) and there's ALWAYS more to explore!  I'm currently in what I'm calling the Cave of Death, cuz it's easy to get lost in, and currently poorly lit, so I've met with my fair share of zombies skeletons and creepers (if your not a minecrafter, you should know that creepers are silent monsters that run up to you and blow up, damaging whatever you were building as well as yourself).
In fact, here's a little comic I found about creepers.
It's accurate, but I can't help but feel that the little creeper guy is just so cute.

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