Aug 10, 2011

My first experience with finals

So I have both my finals today and I think I've done some good prepping:
Studied: check
Eaten kinda healthily: Check
Getting a good nights sleep before: ...
I TRIED to, I really did!  I went to bed at the obnoxiously early hour of 11!  I had a bit of trouble drifting off at first, but at about half past I was of to sleepville.
That's when somebody decided to break the "quiet hours" with their obnoxiously loud laugh right... outside... my door...
This continued until midnight.  I was agitated (I can't sleep well in a noisy place)
I was so agitated that I honestly lay awake trying to sleep til 1.
Then I figured I might as well go pee.
One pee later
I recalled upon coming back to my door that you need a key to open a door.  And that I had no idea where my roommate was.
Sitting in front of my door, in my bathrobe, ruing my current existence I finally see a friend of my roommate come into the hall.  He took me to my roomie who let me into my room.
I fall asleep at maybe 2-2:30, three hours later than planned.
I wake up at 7:40 for my final, feeling utterly exhausted.
I need to have some dead puppy pancakes with dead kitten syrup served to me in a skull of a man who suffered a violent death.

LATER NOTE:  I think I did alright on my music final, so I'll spare the kittens, but I did poorly on my psych final so I shall turn my blender on liquify for the rest of my demonic meal

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