Aug 2, 2011

This is me

         I surrender again my social ability to experience.  I did almost talk to someone of opposite gender, but alas, insecurity (and Daniel a bit) met me and killed that chance.  Ah well.  I admit I was a bit more down about this yesterday, but truthfully I'm not feelin' all that bad about it right now.  Not exactly sure why, probably just this weird rationalization system.
         Sort of like how I'm trying to rationalize playing Civilization IV in Psych right now...  It's a good game and Psych is SO dull... but I really shouldn't.  I won't... hopefully.
         Actually because I don't really talk to girls here I think my friends think I'm just not that interested in them.  Not gay, just not seeking female companionship.  That's not true, I am certainly interested in girls and would like to meet a few.  In fact, this is the first time in my life (since, I don't know 7th grade?) that I've not had either a girlfriend or crush on some girl.  How sad is that?
       I should probably stop typing now, or I will get a bit down.  I'm otherwise in a good mood today.

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