Aug 29, 2011


      I noticed a little habit I picked up.  I'm not sure if it's a good one or not, just yet.  If I'm walking to anywhere and I happen to see a female who I find attractive, I don't look twice.  I don't double take or do the passing-smile thing.  I look forward nearly immediately.  Currently, I don't know why I do this, though as usual I have a few little theories.
        I am simply making sure I'm not that guy who stares in the road.  That creepy guy.  Who is obviously scoping out women, or as he puts it, "chasing tail".  I mean, even if I did look twice, that's not how my line of thought goes, but it's better safe then sorry.
        I'm afraid of girls.  Especially pretty girls.
        I'm afraid of love.  Not saying by looking at a girl twice will immediately throw us into la la land (that's stupid), but if I don't look again to see what she looks like, I can keep myself from even thinking of fantasizing.  Safety first!

Well, I have my first dance class in just half an hour or so, so maybe there's a change in the wind!  Woooosh!

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