Jun 24, 2011

My "good" friends

     Here are two letters I've composed:
       Dear acne and voice cracks,
I understand we've been together for awhile.  Sometimes we've had our troubles and embarrassing moments, but you've stayed with me for a very long time.  Unfortunately, I'm growing up!  Heck, I'm going to be 19 in less than 5 months, so I hate to sound cold, but you're just a little immature now.  A few years ago I could only be expected to be with you, but now we've been together maybe a little too long.  I'm sorry, but it's time we went our separate ways.  Stay strong, there will be others, but it's time for you to leave me.  Please?
With all due respect,
Ok, this next one is to something more real
      Dear Fox,
In 2002 you had a television series by Joss Whedon.  It starred many fine actors like Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, and others!  It was "Firefly".  An excellent space western which didn't go so well because you aired it at the wrong time.  It's too late to bring the show back, much too late.  However, I want you to look at the fan base that has grown since it was cancelled.  I want you to think of how it would've grown if you rescheduled the show instead of canceling it in favor of crappy reality shows.  How much money might you have made?  I hope you calculate that and find out that it's a huge figure.
Then I want you to cry.  For a long time.

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