Jun 6, 2011

The many thoughts

I won't say I dislike my job, because I don't!  It pays well and doesn't involve flipping burgers.  Yes it can be quite tedious at times, but for nine dollars an hour, an 18 year old can't be picky.  (I'm talking about my office job, by the way.)  I only have one qualm about it, and that's that I'm really squandering my time I think.  I have very little time before I'm in college and working again, and I'm spending it in a cubicle?!?!  I should be out trying to shoot video (once I relocate my camera) or practice piano/pipe organ or make artsy things or hang out with people or...
Of course if I did get all that spare time, there's a decent chance I would squander it doing something silly and time wasteful... like playing angry birds...
I swear, sometimes I drive myself crazy

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