Jun 10, 2011

murggggle... (sound of pain)

I'm murgling because I have one of those "my-sleep-cycle-is-way-out-of-whack" migraines.  It makes sense, Last night I rolled into bed about 11 after swing dancing (woo!), which wouldn't really be bad except that the night before I got no sleep at a church lock-in, which was actually pretty fun for the most part.
   (Though we watched a movie called "Gnomeo and Juliet" which I will quickly review for you right now:
It's got the animation of "Shrek", which is good, but only about a quarter of the humor; it was kinda predictable.  It takes the story of Romeo and Juliet and runs it through a shredder so they can sprinkle that onto the script and has really randomly placed songs... can't say I reccomend it)
        So yeah, my sleep's pretty messed up, and with my grad party tonight it doesn't look like that's going to fix itself any time soon, but oh well!  I'm doing pretty well anyways!  I move in 5 days, and the more I think about it, the more I want the clean slate that comes with it.  Plus living without parents sounds pretty sweet overall.
        Has anyone ever attempted to make a waterproof lighter?  Probably somewhere someone has... (I'd sure buy one!)
       It's my last day of work here at the office.  Yes this means I'm blogging from work, but I'm losing no time on it since I'm on a printing project, which means I have to wait for hundreds of pages to print before I actually do anything so there's no cut in my efficiency by doing this (in case any future employers are reading this... heh heh).
      Wow... I use parentheses a lot (weird).   Whenever I use them I always sort of picture myself speaking from the side of my hand in a lowered voice... sorta like a secret or comment on what's been said (by myself?)
OW stupid brain... (though technically your brain isn't where headache pain comes from, the pain receptor nerves are around it, but not in it)

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