Jun 21, 2011


So I took my first class in college today.  It was a General Education thing.  Psychology 101 is the name and one of the requirements for the term is to be a subject in a psychological experiment (you can opt out and write a paper, but I'd rather be a lab rat).  So I just decided to skim the list of choices, some were online, but do you know which one I immediately signed up for the second I saw it?
The one that said it involved "electrical stimulation".  Frankly it's what I wanted.  Why?  umm...
Ok first of all, I'm not a masochist.  I recognize that being shocked will hurt and I probably won't like that bit too much.  However, it's a unique experience I've never had and that intrigued me.  At least that's my first theory.
    What's really surprising me is how much I'm looking forward to it!  Why AM I looking forward to it so much? (it's tomorrow)
Well I'm stumped about it, but I'll tell you how it goes.  The experiment is called "learning and punishment".

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