Jun 8, 2011

One week

So I was going to do another "depth" thing this time but just didn't really want to.  I'll get around to it, because this one's interesting, but I really don't want to go into it just now.
So I miscalculated how long I have until I go, on my old reckoning it should be 5 days from today, but I was wrong, it's actually a week...  7 days until I go very far away and say goodbye to my adolescent life (sort of, I'm not all of a sudden going to get older just because I leave, and I plan to stay somewhat mischievous)
      Saw the new X-Men Origins last night, I highly enjoyed it.
Saw something else last night (at the movie) that I honestly didn't think I'd ever see again, which affected me more than I'd like to admit.  Unsure if positive or negative, but no more thought will be given to it.  Security breached, but threat nullified.  It's all good...
      On the way to work today all I heard on the radio was really trippy music... maybe I'm on LSD!  I think I'd notice though, I'm not a druggy. Though if I was forced to drug up, I would choose LSD or some other hallucinogen.  Pot and things that make you "feel good" would seem like copping out of life.  A hallucinogen would be more like an adventure.... or possibly a nightmare, but if I chose drugs I think nightmares are inevitable anyway.
          The beginning of this week was very very hot, but now it's cooled down and it seems to be quite breezy... I'm thinking kite time!  Who's with me?

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