Feb 28, 2011


           I'm sitting next to Trocker.  She's right there.  On my left!  I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me very happy!  Seriously, she's right there, we're just chatting (but not much since we're both on computers, which you already knew I was because I'm blogging... right...)
          I still do not understand soapio cards, which is what she's talking about, sort of.  Apparently it's some card game by that one YouTube vlogger...  Alex Day?  Can't say I watch his stuff much (or any other vlogger, despite wanting to start one myself...)
         And I'm reading about Doctor Who, updates to come, and if you're actually still reading what is pretty much a long twitter update, go do some jumpingjacks which will make up for the time wasted here, teehee.
       I've just been informed that Sopio has no "A" in it by Trocker who's reading this as I go, which is totally fine...  What the heck is "sopio"?  (Besides "so cool")  And I confess I still question the appeal of penny whistles, which are metal recorder-like instruments and are kind of high-pitched and painful in my opinion, but Trocker really likes hers, so I won't argue. 
Did I mention that I like Cloud Cult?

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