Mar 3, 2011


        There is a little seed in me.  This seed is made of pure inspiration.  Lately, I've been wondering whether it's been malnourished because most of the things I've made lately (mostly music) have been of a mediocre variety and involving only my ukulele, which I am not giving it the deserved justice of a cool instrument. 
         One of my finest inspired works was last years brass choir.  I play French Horn in band, and Trumpet in Jazz band (which I've probably mentioned before) so I know a thing or two about brass instrumentation.  I also have a program on my computer called Finale (2008) which makes composing sheet music easier, as it allows playback and makes small corrections.  So I thought I'd putter around on it, made a few duets and such and then somehow I just had the idea to make a Brass Choir (3 trumpets, 4 french horns, 2 trombones, 1 bass trombone, 1 euphonium, and 1 tuba), and wonder of wonder, miracle of miracles, it turned out sounding not bad at all.  Got me an honorary mention from our state music association for youths (which has a composition section).  It's called "The Peregrination".  If I can find the midi file (which does the song not too much justice) I'll put it up, or maybe even the live performance which my school was kind enough to allow me to conduct.  Hurrah for public education!
        Since then I haven't had much in the way of amazing inspiration...
Until last Tuesday.

          Ladies and gentlemen, my confused jumble of a mind literally sent me a song in a dream.  Or rather I had a dream about I-forget-what and this melody was playing in my head when I awoke... and then harmonies evolved and I knew I had to get it down.  And so "Ghosts of the mountain", my second brass choir, is now nearing perfect completion.  I'm hoping my band teachers will again allow me to put together a group to play it.  It has a rather speedy-dirge like feel if that makes any sense... I'll put that up too if I can!

Oh! But this is exciting!

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