Feb 4, 2011


My family got a "new" car (it's used, but not many miles on it, good shape).  A toyota corolla!  And ya know who gets to drive it most?  Me!!!  I'm so excited!  Also exciting: It has an overdrive button!  An adrenaline type person like me (not quite a junkie) is very excited by this!  I still have yet to see how fast it goes, this calls for experimentation!!! 
Anyways, I've been doing a bit of cookie-cutter psychoanalyzing lately, it's kind of fun.  Now I don't plan on ever going into psychology/psychiatry (though my sister in-law, J, is in that field) but it is something I like to figure with people.  However, I don't know many people who like to be analyzed, for obvious reasons, so I try it on the most agreeable person I know.  Myself!  If you've read my "depth" series (which I really need to try again sometime soon) you know I'm already into finding out about my mind, but now I'm looking a little less abstractly, and more at things that apply to social and simpler processes.
For instance, I'm a compromiser. except if something touches some rather touchy points (morals or religion).  I like peace all around, and want to make it myself, so I'll take a lower position then one I may have wanted originally if it'll stop a quarrel.  Go figure.  I've made a few other things noticed, but I'll put those up perhaps.

Blogging is very therapeutic, sometimes I don't even care if people read it or not...
Course, if you do, I'd love it if you'd comment so I don't feel so lonely lol

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