Feb 25, 2011

Ask the big questions

          A little question is something regarding a physical object or a short amount of time.  We all ask little questions every day, such as "how are you?"  or "Where can I find a (object of choice)".  And of course the superficial "What's up?".  These are simple short questions that elicit short simple answers generally.  That's perfectly fine, don't get me wrong!  Little questions keep a day or conversation flowing smoothly and are quite necessary.

I can't say I'm always good at using them very well sometimes though, go figure, but it's more amusing then annoying I think.

       Ah but then there's the big questions... I bring this whole subject up because I've been asking myself a few of them lately.  Not in a depressed manner (though I have before, not fun) but just one of cautious curiosity.  A big question refers to deeper things in either one's life or the world itself.  The question "What's wrong with the world" is not a big question, too generic.  Ironically, big questions can often get to smaller details.  Some big questions I think of a lot:  "Are we who we act like or do we act like who we are?"  "What will be remembered about myself years from now?" (oh that one scares me a bit)  "What compels thoughts to just seemingly appear?"  "How bad/good is that really to (person)?"
I'll get to the point shall I?
Why is it that some people seemingly can't ask the big questions?  Are there people actually very self assured with their idea of their own existence that they need not for more philosophical questions?  They're either very enviable or possibly shallow.  Don't fear the big questions, more so, don't fear talking about them to someone else if they're someone.  And moreover, don't be afraid to look for more deep questions.  Ask yourself why someone feels or acts the way they do.  Why they believe what they believe.  The depths of which they feel a certain way (that's really important sometimes, you may be unaware of how important something is to someone or even yourself!  Ask yourself too!)
       Now I won't endorse living your whole life in serious questions like this, go have fun!  Do crazy things!  Don't be afraid to try most new things!  But don't let the big questions be put off either...  

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