Feb 17, 2011

My view

       My view today is aggressive.  It's also aimed at my own generation, which is slowly but surely beginning to disgust me.
          Maybe it's because of my beliefs or how I was brought up or whatever, but today's kids are getting more into an impatient and extreme lifestyle.
         So often (and I'm guilty of this too) we say that we "need" things NOW.  I need this sweater, to go this place/time, to drive now, to grow up quicker right NOW!  Oh that's the sad one...  So many younger people just want to the adult things now...  Even something as simple as drinking coffee (not a fan personally) middle schoolers, who are plenty young enough to be vibrant and energetic without a caffeine infusion every day, claim they "need" (such an overused word, you need air, not caffeine) their cappuccino... sheesh...

         Then there's the "extreme" aspect... ok, I'm all for novelty, new stuff is great!  But some people just want to blow their own minds out in the name of entertainment.  Such as disgusting sadistic entertainment... the "Saw" movies are what come to mind.  What entertainment value is there in watching people do absolutely painful and sickening things for a few hours?  And there's... six(?) of those movies now? 
And of course I will never once in my life approve of teen premarital sex....  I'm going to speak rather unapologetically frankly here for a bit.
        I don't know if either gender is more responsible, but both have some guilt on them.
Guys:  For the love of Pete, RESPECT women!  Don't go all "if you loved me" or "it's no big deal" yada yada yada.  Yes I realize we have hormones, but we also have (or should have) self control.  Oh, and don't watch pornography.  You don't need to watch naked people to be happy.  That's just degrading.
Girls:  Flirting and trying to impress guys by looking nice or whatever is natural and fine, I've got no qualms with that.  But I'm just going to bluntly say that once you cross some invisible line of how much skin ya show, men's minds involuntarily start thinking a little less about your personality and a little more about your body...
It's just how most of us are, I apologize.

Well, that's my rant for the day.  In all truth, where I live I don't much of this crap, it's just the media portraying it that gets me a bit huffy. 
Love you all regardless

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