Jan 2, 2011

Depth: The last tunnel

Right, back to the quandary of the brain.
            I never explored the tunnel on the top of the large one. Don't really know why, maybe I was just done with putzing around my brain for a bit, but I did enter the one on the right. This is the one my “help section” told me linked to my senses. This tunnel wasn't only silver, but cyan as well (another favorite color, but I have no idea why it was here). And on the walls were different... oh what's a good word.... panels, with different colors.
My hearing panel was damaged. It had ugly yellow bits and was sparking a bit. This makes sense, my hearing's not what it should be. However, I pressed my “ear” to it and began to hear a conglomeration of sounds that I've heard throughout my life, a lot of it was music. I went onto the “taste” panel. Sure enough, when I pressed my tongue to it, I began to taste, or rather remember tastes, which I had experienced throughout my whole life. The only other sense I dabbled with was sight, and that one I didn't stay long enough to really see much at all. The sight panel had a scope type thing to see through, by the way. The other senses I left alone, not sure why, but it was time to return to the real world. (was this world real? It seemed real to me, and is that what should count?)
My retracting rope pulled me back up to the top of the tunnels' entrance, and I swam back to the steps. To leave this trance is almost the same as entering it. Every step I took up the stairs brought me closer back to the real world. When I opened the door, I was put back into the abyss with nothing but that candle. Extinguishing the candle, I could feel myself “ascending” (that's quite honestly what it feels like) back to myself. If you try anything like this, do not just hop up after you open your eyes, your body is actually to relaxed for that to be pleasant.

So that's it, I said I would tell you all what happened when I tried this mind exploration. Did I omit things? Psh, yeah! Obviously I don't want to tell you EVERYTHING that flies around in my arbitrary mind, but you get a good healthy gist of it. So, if that was at all interesting, and you feel like commenting, I welcome it. Tell your friends, I don't care!
And above all, I hope you have a nice day!

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