Jan 14, 2011


Uhhhhhh, I don't actually feel like blogging right now...  But here I am...
I can't actually tell if I'm bored or depressed right now, maybe a mix.  Well actually most of when I am depressed comes from when I'm not doing anything, and that may be the case here. ... or when I screw up really badly, but sometimes that's hilarious.  Not always, I don't know.
I've been helping lots 'o people with their various problems, listening and trying to help them feel better about them.  I like to do this, but I always worry that I'm not helping in the slightest.  I guess I like feedback is all, but I won't be naive enough to assume everyone likes to give it.  Still, a little bluntness here and there can be a handy thing.
I'm trying to learn peoples body language more, it's a very useful little thing to know... I also need to learn how to watch discreetly because their body language turns to "uncomfortable" when they realize I'm reading their body language. Teehee
I heard that if you want to eat but your not hungry, then there's a void in your life which you want filled.
I want to eat right now, but can't say I'm particularly hungry, that'll get me fat some day.  I wish I knew what the void was.

I'm sorry!  This post is a bit of a downer!  I don't like to be a downer to you nice people!  I'll try to chipper up next time ok?  Promise!
Love your neighbors AND your enemies, because it's really hard for someone to hurt somebody who loves them.

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