Jan 11, 2011

The corny tribute you all deserve

Hello, what?
Oh I know what's odd, I have not mentioned Trocker all year! (Yes the year's young, but still, this is quite surprising)!  I really just oughta say HA!!!!
Why ha?   Because, I feel like bragging a little bit right now that I am dating Trocker, and you obviously are not (unless, you are Trocker, in which case Hi!!).  That's right fellas, I've got a beautiful girl who has a lot in common with me, is really talented, smart, and just incredible to be around, and you may think you do, but you really don't, cuz I do!!!
Oh alright, that's bull, I bet a lot of you know really nice girls with whom you have close relationships with as well, and kudos to you!

(but you still don't have Trocker, HA!)

Some people would call what I'm in the "infatuation stage"... Yeah, probably, but I doubt that even if this stage EVER ends, I will still be adoring this amazing person who's brought a lot of happiness to my life.
Which is really nice... before her I'd say I was content, I think I have a good life, but was I happy person?
Well, that's a quest for everyone to find out, but nothing quite makes it easier than my baby. 

(I dislike mayonnaise)

I hope you all have a nice day

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