Jan 22, 2011


        I like that word... Juniper...  It's a tree, or rather a kind of tree, not very native to where I live (to my knowledge anyway), but it's a pretty word...
Funny looking tree though..
        My next project, which I'll get done sometime soon, is to upload some of the doodles and comics from my school notebooks onto here.  I frankly think they're dumb, but my friend Dirk said they were funny and I oughta put them somewhere, so why not?  I'm still debating keeping them as they are (loose leaf) or rewriting them onto just white paper.  Hmm, that sounds like work... maybe the I'll just name my comics "Loose Leaf" and then have an excuse just to them up as they are...
       Lazy am I?  Well, sometimes, but not always... Today?  Yes!

       I'm finally watching me some more Dr. Who (with Trocker) Starting with season 5, which is confusing, but I've been informed that it's pretty confusing no matter where you start, so I've let it go and now I'm just enjoying the shows.  Go Matt Smith!  He's awesome!

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