Jan 8, 2011

Good gravy!!!

Ah, hi there, how are you today?  I hope you haven't fallen into any wells lately, because that doesn't sound fun.
So I'm going to tell you about my near death experience that was experienced by me last year.  If you know who I am personally, then I've probably already talked your ear off about this, but if your not personally acquainted, but have found the time to read my blog for some reason, then have I got a story for you!
           Let's set the scene, I was just at a party with a bunch of actors in the cast of a play I was in (Willy Wonka, but that's unimortant).  Anyhow, the party was great, we played stupid actor games which for some reason involves more acting.  One would think we'd get sick of it after awhile...  But right, the real fun started when I was driving home.  First of all, I got pulled over by a cop for speeding.  This has never happened, even though I would consider myself to be an extremely foolish driver when it comes to my neglect of observing the speed limit...  That's gonna get my lynched someday, I know it.  Fortunately, the officer was really nice and let me off with a warning, which was considerably kind seeing as I had forgotten to bring my wallet, which had my license in it...  yeah, apparently it's legal not to carry it, but he had to take my name. 
(NOTE:  On the other hand, later I went to inspect where I'd been pulled over, and I figured out that when he had pulled me over I had moved into a 35 MPH zone, which means it's possible I wasn't actually speeding very much at all!  Go figure) So that was fun, but not life threatening in the slightest.  So I dropped off the friend I was to be dropping off and then proceeded home. 

...    Did I mention that it was past midnight at this point?  No?  Well, that's important now.  You see, I fall asleep rather easily (unless someone snores in the room, in which case I could be up all night ugh...) and I felt that coming on as I was driving.   Ok, no need to panic, I'll just yell randomly and turn on the radio.  Well, the radio was on Classic rock, which I figured should do the trick...

       I did not enter Pink Floyd into my equation... 
If you don't know the band Pink Floyd, they are a band (really?), while technically Classic Rock, that can be  very mellow in some of their songs (such as "The Dark side of the moon" which is one of the songs that describes me a bit I think).  And these songs unfortunately have a bit of a lulling effect on whoever is listening.

Needless to say, I was out like a light.
It was interesting though, because now that I think of it, I still had a tiny bit of conscious thought while I was apparently asleep (driving down a country road, don't forget).  The thought process went something like this:
"Ahh that's better, I was really tired...  hmm, I'm pretty sure I was doing something important though... and there was snow involved...  AUGH I'M AT THE WHEEL!!!!"
That was the moment I jolted awake and saw that I was on the opposite side of the road that I was supposed to be on, and was on a few seconds ago (it was a short sleep). 
       To make a quick wheel correction to get into the correct lane and thus continue my way home is exactly what I did not do.  In fact I wrenched the wheel one way out of sheer panic, then the other, then the other until my car was doing a fine zig zag down the road while I was screaming, which I do not do very often.
After a few zigs to zags, the ditch on the side of the road decided it had seen enough of this fun and thought it was time that I drive into it, so it told my car in the secret ditch-to-car-speak that it should come on in, and my car thought this must've been a good idea because into the ditch I went.
          Now I mentioned earlier that I was thinking of snow, because at the time it was midwinter, and probably the reason I still have any motor function at all to type or breathe or... be not dead. 
           The snow slowed my car, and it's terrified driver, down enough that I came to a complete stop at the bottom of this wooded ditch.  The thing is, if it HADN'T been snowy, and there wasn't that friction... well let's just say I was already pretty close to a largish tree aimed right at the front seat that would have probably beaten my car at a juggernaut contest (this thing was a Honda Civic man...)
            So, my car had a largish dent, but that was the only damage to car or driver, but it still makes one think about how one little bodily function can totally have the potential to end one's life, or at least severely damage it.  Now isn't that fun?!
        Oh, and don't drink and drive, ok?  Not terribly relevant, but stupid anyway.

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