Feb 28, 2011


           I'm sitting next to Trocker.  She's right there.  On my left!  I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me very happy!  Seriously, she's right there, we're just chatting (but not much since we're both on computers, which you already knew I was because I'm blogging... right...)
          I still do not understand soapio cards, which is what she's talking about, sort of.  Apparently it's some card game by that one YouTube vlogger...  Alex Day?  Can't say I watch his stuff much (or any other vlogger, despite wanting to start one myself...)
         And I'm reading about Doctor Who, updates to come, and if you're actually still reading what is pretty much a long twitter update, go do some jumpingjacks which will make up for the time wasted here, teehee.
       I've just been informed that Sopio has no "A" in it by Trocker who's reading this as I go, which is totally fine...  What the heck is "sopio"?  (Besides "so cool")  And I confess I still question the appeal of penny whistles, which are metal recorder-like instruments and are kind of high-pitched and painful in my opinion, but Trocker really likes hers, so I won't argue. 
Did I mention that I like Cloud Cult?

Feb 25, 2011

Ask the big questions

          A little question is something regarding a physical object or a short amount of time.  We all ask little questions every day, such as "how are you?"  or "Where can I find a (object of choice)".  And of course the superficial "What's up?".  These are simple short questions that elicit short simple answers generally.  That's perfectly fine, don't get me wrong!  Little questions keep a day or conversation flowing smoothly and are quite necessary.

I can't say I'm always good at using them very well sometimes though, go figure, but it's more amusing then annoying I think.

       Ah but then there's the big questions... I bring this whole subject up because I've been asking myself a few of them lately.  Not in a depressed manner (though I have before, not fun) but just one of cautious curiosity.  A big question refers to deeper things in either one's life or the world itself.  The question "What's wrong with the world" is not a big question, too generic.  Ironically, big questions can often get to smaller details.  Some big questions I think of a lot:  "Are we who we act like or do we act like who we are?"  "What will be remembered about myself years from now?" (oh that one scares me a bit)  "What compels thoughts to just seemingly appear?"  "How bad/good is that really to (person)?"
I'll get to the point shall I?
Why is it that some people seemingly can't ask the big questions?  Are there people actually very self assured with their idea of their own existence that they need not for more philosophical questions?  They're either very enviable or possibly shallow.  Don't fear the big questions, more so, don't fear talking about them to someone else if they're someone.  And moreover, don't be afraid to look for more deep questions.  Ask yourself why someone feels or acts the way they do.  Why they believe what they believe.  The depths of which they feel a certain way (that's really important sometimes, you may be unaware of how important something is to someone or even yourself!  Ask yourself too!)
       Now I won't endorse living your whole life in serious questions like this, go have fun!  Do crazy things!  Don't be afraid to try most new things!  But don't let the big questions be put off either...  

Feb 22, 2011


         First my iPod touch (Yes I'm an Apple person) and now my computer have jumped their calendars forward a day...   I bet this happens to a lot of people.  Yes, it's probably just a random glitch which has happened to me twice, but how long before I think the world is wrong and the computers are right?  Could they be slowly taking control?

        That is the day that the robot rebellion can truly begin...

Feb 21, 2011

Believe it

            Spirit gum is a stage makeup accessory that is used to attach things like falser beards, mustaches, or other different appendages to one's face.  It is also absolutely disgusting after a few uses.  The smell of it begins to make you wretch, and your skin gets drier every time.  Regardless of this, I still really enjoy acting.  Why?  Well I decided to ask myself that same question!  'ere's what I've gone and surmised, then!
        I'd be a liar if I said I didn't slightly like the spotlight on me from tie to time.  However, I think acting is a good way to fulfill that little desire, rather than doing dumb things to get attention.  I also like the camaraderie.  Actors (and I mean community theatre actors, never met anyone famous) are an odd bunch.  They aren't afraid to like what they like and are fine with acting like idiots sometimes for entertainment.  I'm all for that since I'm not clean of such nonsense, nor do I ever want to be.  Growing old is mandatory.  Growing up is optional. Yay!
      Also it's cool to be someone else for awhile on stage.  I might be a psychopath or old man or the like while I'm up there, and I'm all for trying new things (most new things, always a few limits).
     Ahh acting....  I'd still be happy if I didn't have to wear makeup though.

Feb 17, 2011

My view

       My view today is aggressive.  It's also aimed at my own generation, which is slowly but surely beginning to disgust me.
          Maybe it's because of my beliefs or how I was brought up or whatever, but today's kids are getting more into an impatient and extreme lifestyle.
         So often (and I'm guilty of this too) we say that we "need" things NOW.  I need this sweater, to go this place/time, to drive now, to grow up quicker right NOW!  Oh that's the sad one...  So many younger people just want to the adult things now...  Even something as simple as drinking coffee (not a fan personally) middle schoolers, who are plenty young enough to be vibrant and energetic without a caffeine infusion every day, claim they "need" (such an overused word, you need air, not caffeine) their cappuccino... sheesh...

         Then there's the "extreme" aspect... ok, I'm all for novelty, new stuff is great!  But some people just want to blow their own minds out in the name of entertainment.  Such as disgusting sadistic entertainment... the "Saw" movies are what come to mind.  What entertainment value is there in watching people do absolutely painful and sickening things for a few hours?  And there's... six(?) of those movies now? 
And of course I will never once in my life approve of teen premarital sex....  I'm going to speak rather unapologetically frankly here for a bit.
        I don't know if either gender is more responsible, but both have some guilt on them.
Guys:  For the love of Pete, RESPECT women!  Don't go all "if you loved me" or "it's no big deal" yada yada yada.  Yes I realize we have hormones, but we also have (or should have) self control.  Oh, and don't watch pornography.  You don't need to watch naked people to be happy.  That's just degrading.
Girls:  Flirting and trying to impress guys by looking nice or whatever is natural and fine, I've got no qualms with that.  But I'm just going to bluntly say that once you cross some invisible line of how much skin ya show, men's minds involuntarily start thinking a little less about your personality and a little more about your body...
It's just how most of us are, I apologize.

Well, that's my rant for the day.  In all truth, where I live I don't much of this crap, it's just the media portraying it that gets me a bit huffy. 
Love you all regardless

Feb 14, 2011

Allow me to take leave of my senses

Hapsy Balenfines tay!
Makke shur you sprexplane hows it is youll laik thuh vareous wuman or doode whom you adfmire en your lyef.

No ovver prerson?  Shash ok, therrs gotfta b SROMEbubby you cayr aboutf thatt cud bee fought abbougt.

Ahh, Trocker...

As a matter of fact, I have a mixed view on Valentines day.  I personally like it because there's often free candy, and heck I got to give nice things (homemade) to the girl I feel a great affection for.  But I admit that the commercialization and fake passion that occurs on V-day can be a bit, oh what's the word...

Fake?  Obnoxious to a point?

Ah well, have a genuine Valentines day!  And if you read this after Valentines day, then... umm... go and...

Feb 11, 2011

My demands

If you are going to be turning, there is a beautiful little device on the side of your steering wheel which will turn a blinking light on, indicating which way you will be turning.  It's called a turn signal.

... USE THE FREAKING TURN SIGNAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and if you are going straight down the road, and your turn signal has not turned off for some reason, it will make a convenient clicking sound for as long as it's on, so as to remind you to turn it off.  So if your intended direction is straight, then..


These are NOT requests.  They are demands (and also the law).  If they are not adhered to, then I will be that driver who likes to weave through highway traffic constantly (and I will signal every lane change).

No nothing happened to me, this is just a pet peeve.

Feb 7, 2011

Baby baby baby, NO!!!

           No Bieber for me thanks.  I'm really not a fan at all.  It's just too... mainstream. 
        Ok, this may be weird, but I like music that is indie, not just for the sound (though I do like the novelty of it, that's another thing I enjoy) but because more often then not these artists are making music to enjoy the making of music and sometimes to be deeper.  They rarely get paid vast sums of cash for their stuff, so many of the artists (Cloud Cult for instance, and probably Arcade Fire, there are more, I'm sure) make their music for actual good reasons then to be catchy and get danced to or have people scream their name because they paid a lot of money to look good nearly naked on stage... (oh Lady Gaga...)
        Now this is an arbitrary choice, I swear, but take Justin Bieber.  So many of his songs were about some unnamed girl and how in love or beautiful yada yada yada... Umm, most of these songs were written before he even had a girlfriend, right?  So who was he singing to?  Oh right, his enslaved female fans, quite possibly to keep them swooning?  Give me a break, and some music about real things, not songs to encourage obsession. 
       And don't get me started on all the hip hop music about sex.  Marketed chiefly to teenagers.  To you artists, I hate your stuff.
 "The exploding people" by Cloud Cult, THERE'S a good song!

Feb 5, 2011


All the peaceful protesting we're hearing about from the middle east area is incredible!  This could change the world if more and more dictatorial countries go this way.  Of course, it could also go pretty badly if the wrong people jump to the top.  It's a risky time indeed.  Although I personally believe that the USA should keep it's big nose out of this for now.  Honestly!  It's not our country, let them figure this kinda thing out for themselves, and if they keep a secret, who minds?  They should have the right to a bit of privacy (barring nuclear technology, that shouldn't be a secret ever).  If things go south and there's trouble, sure the US could be peacekeepers (which will run my generation into more debt, but I don't think officials actually care anymore... great...)
Good luck Tunisia, you mostly started it.
Godspeed Egypt, interesting how you're pulling a Moses here (minus the plagues I hope)
Go Yemen!  You don't have an easy task ahead, but pray for the best
And all the other dictators who like the iron-fist spiel, I hope you're nervous and sweating and regretting things you've done.  You deserve it.

Feb 4, 2011


My family got a "new" car (it's used, but not many miles on it, good shape).  A toyota corolla!  And ya know who gets to drive it most?  Me!!!  I'm so excited!  Also exciting: It has an overdrive button!  An adrenaline type person like me (not quite a junkie) is very excited by this!  I still have yet to see how fast it goes, this calls for experimentation!!! 
Anyways, I've been doing a bit of cookie-cutter psychoanalyzing lately, it's kind of fun.  Now I don't plan on ever going into psychology/psychiatry (though my sister in-law, J, is in that field) but it is something I like to figure with people.  However, I don't know many people who like to be analyzed, for obvious reasons, so I try it on the most agreeable person I know.  Myself!  If you've read my "depth" series (which I really need to try again sometime soon) you know I'm already into finding out about my mind, but now I'm looking a little less abstractly, and more at things that apply to social and simpler processes.
For instance, I'm a compromiser. except if something touches some rather touchy points (morals or religion).  I like peace all around, and want to make it myself, so I'll take a lower position then one I may have wanted originally if it'll stop a quarrel.  Go figure.  I've made a few other things noticed, but I'll put those up perhaps.

Blogging is very therapeutic, sometimes I don't even care if people read it or not...
Course, if you do, I'd love it if you'd comment so I don't feel so lonely lol