Nov 5, 2010


and again I say PWITCHOW!!!!

PWITCHOW (pwih-chow) exclamation
A word which means "holy toast, what an awesome (noun)"

So yes I must PWITCHOW what life has been, because it has been awesome
...except chemistry class, but I'm getting a little better
I'll start with last night, where I went to a dance, but no normal crappy dance where people grind to awful, mainstream hip-hop. NO!  This was a SWING dance, where you actually have to know how to dance!  Oh yeah!  By the way, I went to this dance with some good friends of mine, one of which is a girl who I will call Trocker, because she really likes Timelord-Rock (Trock!), and because I really like her. But, we had a great time there, PLUS my birth-a-day (my 18th birthday) is tomorrow, which lands on the same day we're doing a big band concert, which I've decided I'm happy about because most of my friends are in band anyhow!  Plus there's a marching band thing (my last marching band thing... ever)
Well, anyway, Trocker's gonna be there since she's in the colorguard, and that's another perk, but that's all for tomorrow.
TONIGHT I'm hosting a settlers of Catan party (if you don't know what that is, it's a pretty fun board game...a bit like monopoly but BETTER!) which should be awesome if people remember to show up =)
 I'm just in a good mood today!  No school either, even though its a friday! (end of the term)

Everybody be HAPPY!!!!  YEAH!
love y'all

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