Nov 12, 2010

It's true!

        I have those nagging little dreams.  The kind that come and go, but if chased, last for a long time.  Like the ukulele.  I totally picked it up on a whim and now I'm shelling out $60 to replace my broken one (which my older brother semi-repaired, but I want a new one anyways). 
      Recently I wanted to learn Esperanto. (a made up language that... ah whatever, you can look it up, its pretty cool).  That wish has died out somewhat, who knows if it'll come back?  For now, I dont have the time.  Also, I considered taking up track, though I'll admit that went away quickly (I can be lazy).
    Now I'm looking at youtube.  What it would be to be a youtube sensation!  A Neil Cicierga (potter puppet pals) or Charlie McDonnell (he's more popular in England, but I like his work) type of guy!  Oh man, I think I maay even possibly have the dry sense of humor, and I can play ukulele and sing (sorry Charlie, I didn't even know about you before I picked it up).  The key thing I'm missing is RESOURCES!!!
-No laptop of my own (yet, christmas is coming!)
-Digital camera records in uneditable format
-Poor editing program anyway
-Old digital camera has battery life of possibly 15 minutes
-Little brother thinks he can just stick his hand in whenever he wants
-More time!!!
Ah well, maybe when I go to college and get better at editing...
Hey I got my college apps in!  Yay!
-love you all

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