Oct 29, 2010


Oh man was I ever tired this morning!  Ask me why!!!

Ok, I'll tell you!  It's because I was at State Honors Choir (which is where good singing kids from all of my state get together to have an epic concert)  It was a two day event type deal.  We drove up (I was driving, which probably scared everyone else in the car cuz I'm a leadfoot)  Got to the hotel and chilled (We being me, a few kids from my school, and one other girl from a neighboring city).  Then was rehearsal, which was just fine until I had to leave and throw up :p which was decidedly unpleasant.  I don't think I was sick, just a bit stressed is all, but that's cleared up....   and most my roomates were dinks who didn't bed down til 1 in the morning cuz they were busy talking about women like they were CATTLE!!!!  That did make me quite angry, but I regret to say I held my tongue (partially cuz I was still a bit woozy)... Thursday was better though, with many rehearsals, a college fair where I got a lot of free stuff and an epic concert.  Glad I had the chance to go.

       And now it's halloween weekend!  Got a party tomorrow with some friends and a quite fine girl, who I'm still trying to think of a codename for... I'll get back to you on that.

-Peace out

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