Nov 21, 2010


Well my fine friends, I believe I have taken the steps to allow you guys to actually comment on my posts without needing some kinda account!!! Yay, joy, whoop!  And to be completely honest, I would love it if anyone out there did so I could actually have feedback and feel all loved or whatever (or hated I guess, depending on what you comment ... hmmm) so there's a fun stuffz.

       Also, this last week I got an amazing surprise which is known as a BRAND NEW LANIKAI UKULELE (it came early!!!!)  So I'm back to jamming!  I can make jams!  I should make a jam jam... or a jelly jam... (I deeply apologize for that)... but anyway, I do have a few songs, and have full intention to possibly record them, if I get time in my school's studio (which is the best part of my school) or if I get a better microphone for my computer...  By the way, I'm a bit low on original song ideas (I got plenty of generic ones) so if anybody wants to leave me something they'd want to hear about accompanied by a ukulele...  you can comment now...  I might go to youtube someday...
(just thought about Trocker for no real reason, and now am very distracted...)

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