Oct 2, 2011


      I just feel like talking about what's going on in life lately.  A "I'm lazy so I'll just do a long Facebook post" blog post.  If you don't like that then... umm... ok.  Sorry.  But not really.
So today and yesterday was General Conference.  This is a Mormon event when the leaders of the church basically give little talks/counsel on religious things.  It's very inspirational, even though I was watching online and occasionally missed a bit because I had to refresh.  For some reason loneliness seemed to be the theme of the first Saturday session.  Dang, are they talking to me specifically or something?  It's been known to happen, they're pretty inspired people.  I love my church.
         On the topic of religiosity I was skyping me friend Emily and she told me about a Ouija board experience they had.  It was creepy!  I've never really wanted to do Ouija myself because I do believe in spirits and stuff (why can't a past life wander the Earth before judgement day?) also it has some sort of occult references I think and I am freaked way out by that.  I hold the Priesthood for crying out loud!  I shouldn't get into dark things like that!
         Also in the skype deal it was pointed out that this blog has been really depressing lately.  Has it?  Sorry folks, I hate to worry you all, but I can't actually give you a lot of positive news on that front.  I'm having problems with things in me.  It's genetic or whatever.  (No one is allowed to say suicide, however, I decided a looooong time ago that that is not an option.  Chill)
          Actually I think I've figured out some of the root causes.  It's how I came to college (not college itself).  Before I left I was dumped and frankly was pretty hurt.  (That just happens, there was no one wrong in the situation I think.)  Maybe people noticed and maybe they didn't, but I did become withdrawn for about the rest of the school year.  Then poof, off to college still kinda withdrawn a bit (not only from the breakup, but my own genetics helped.)  So I spent the first bit in my dorm while everyone else made friends.  Then they had friends.  And I did not.  (Fortunately Aaron and Daniel did swoop in and save me a lot of later doldrum.  They're champs.)  Now I'm shy, which I guess I wasn't so much in high school, and I don't like that very much.  Not at all honestly-


I was trying NOT to make this a whining post!  How did this happen!!
ok ok...
Love-wait, no not love...
Kite Flying!
Ballroom Dancing!
Rock Climbing!

       OK I feel better (that and Matisyahu helped).  I have good days, I swear!  It's just that when I have bad ones I like to write about it in this blog to get it out a bit (just a bit).  I don't know if that means I shouldn't take it seriously, but do know that I do have good days!  Plenty of them!

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