Oct 27, 2011

Academic Musings

     So I did something.  I've withdrawn my intent to apply to my media arts major.  I don't think I'll re-submit it either.  Film editing is fun and all, but the program here at BYU is not what I'm looking for (it's more for people who want to be film critics and directors, neither of which really appeal to me) and frankly other film schools freak me the heck out (much drinking and making more people... uggghhhh).  So film is bye bye for now.  I'll still edit in my spare time I imagine and I probably will continue to want to improve my vlog.  So now I'm open major.  Hmmmm....
      Ok, so I've given it some more thought than I'm letting on.  I've even looked through the majors offered and two of them have caught my eye.  So here's the pro/cons of both!!!

+ I've always liked acting, film or stage
+ I've got a decent amount of experience in acting in front of people
+ I have found that many cute girls frequent the acting department (BUT I WON'T LET THAT SWAY MY DECISION IN ANY WAY ACTUALLY!)  (actually forget this point was brought up)

+ Money is not an easy thing to get with an acting degree, unless you teach, but I don't want to teach.
+ Actors can be frightening people sometimes.  I think I can honestly say that.

Sound Recording Technology
(note: this is half a music major, many music classes)
+ More money is probable and more steady with this than with acting
+ Music is a passion of mine, but not an extreme forte (I'm good, but not spectacular to put it self-consciously) so this would involve me in a music dept. that requires external skills.
+ Sound editing (which I assume is involved) is almost as fun as video editing.
+ I've got a bit of a divine tip that I should be involved in music to some degree
+ It's not acting.  I LIKE acting
+ I have a little less previous experience in this department (the technology one)
+ There's piano classes.  I'm not a very gifted piano player.

So those are the my prime choices.  They're subject to change obviously, but I like them both.  Got input?  Comment and tell me!  I'd be happy for any advices!

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