Oct 30, 2011

Decisions Decisions

      I double checked.  BYU actually offers a broadcast journalism major under communications.  I checked the classes and it fits what I'm looking for in quite a smooth way.  So  I can quite easily stay here just fine and try for the job I want.
   I can stay at BYU...
Shouldn't I be more excited about this? ...
        My experience here hasn't been what I thought it'd be.  Not ideally, for sure.  I'm no stranger to broken expectations, but that doesn't make it any more fun to have to face them again.  I mean I haven't exactly made any "close" friends.  No one's really clicked at all.  Plus wasn't I supposed to be having some kind of mega spiritual time here?  I mean I'm still faithful and all that, but frankly I haven't felt any real change from how I was to how I am now.  Except depressed more often.  That's happened.
       Admittedly, I feel obligated to stay at BYU for a few reasons.  One thing is the price.  I would be hard pressed to find a tuition this cheap for a school this well renowned (and I'm not exactly scholarship material).  Plus, pretty much my entire family has gone here.  Not to mention I gave quite a bit up to come here.  Like everything and everyone (to some degree) back at home.
       Well, I certainly feel that I should stay here until my mission.  Maybe I'll figure something out then.



  1. I think part of the reason why I like your blog so much is cause you say a lot of things that I feel like I could've said myself. I guess I can't say this for certain, but I pretty much think it's a fair claim to say I know how you feel.

    Thoughts: we should be better friends. Think so?

  2. Alas, I need to check mein comments more oft as I've not reached this one until now! I do think so in regards to being friends! That would be quite awesome!


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