Oct 29, 2011

Choices Choices

      So I've looked over the major choices that I looked at and frankly they just aren't clicking like I'd like.  So I did some blending of the things I like.  Video editing and being in front of cameras as well as just being in smaller groups...  Of course!
News Anchor!
       In high school I was our small TV stations weatherman, and let me tell you, it was fun times.  I loved to put together the backgrounds and then deliver it to our school population.  Also, because our news team wasn't perfect, I had to fill in for the anchors as well.  That was also enjoyable, although I did prefer the improvisation that the came with being the weatherman.  However, in the career field, usually being a weatherman requires a degree in meteorology which requires more math than I am comfortable with, so anchoring is more preferable on an education standpoint overall.  Plus who knows, if I get the job maybe I'll get to run one of those morning shows that looks so fun, which also have more improv I believe.
         I think the ideal major for this is either a broadcasting major or a communications audio/visual major.
One problem:  Neither is offered at BYU...
         So, I'm staying at BYU until my mission to get GEs... and then I'm looking at different schools.
Perhaps goodbye BYU?  It's not the easiest decision, but to be honest it's not the hardest either.  I enjoy being in a college environment without many of the college stereotypes of getting wasted and laid (Woo Mormons!) but I'll be honest that I've had trouble fitting in regardless.  If I choose a school closer to my ancestral home of Wisconsin, there's a good chance some of my old high school friends will be with me again, and I'd be lying if I said that didn't appeal to me.  I know that I'd be back to being one of few Mormons there, but if I let that get in the way of a fun career, then I'm a fool.
        If anyone has any suggestions on schools with these majors (I know it's a long shot) than you could... comment?  Maybe?  Please?  I'll make you cookies sometime if you do...  Once I get access to an oven that is.

Oh I did have my first date in many many months yesterday, it was enjoyable.

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