Oct 10, 2011

Not bad at all

       I've been doing some thinking lately.  And that's it!  I used to love to just ponder and philosophize about things.  Then came what I'm beginning to call the dark period (until I think of a cooler word than period) which is when my depression at college exploded into me just being a drudge and an antisocial gamer.  I'm still a bit anti-social, but I've been feeling better about things probably because I decided to clean up my life with setting a therapy appointment and a daily schedule among other things.  I'm going to try to meet new people as well.
      Out of all this clean uppery is indeed that I'm philosophizing with myself again (I sometimes bounce these little philosophies off of my brother, Dave, but usually I can really only talk them through with myself).  One thing I considered is energy.  Who wouldn't love an infinite energy source?  It's a secret dream that scientists like to play around with.  It occurred to me, however, that there'd be no point to an infinite source if the amount that could be taken at once was minuscule.  We would need an infinite source as well as an infinite (or just really large) quick access to the energy.  That's the problem with wind and solar power.  Although they aren't technically "infinite" they are a good source of energy that we can assume won't go anywhere for awhile.  The problem is quick access.  It takes a lot of sun soaking and a good deal of rotations of a windmill to get enough energy to do anything useful.
I guess it's probably not an original thought, but to me it is.  I like to figure things out for myself (usually, not math in general though).
So that's good.

Wow... my cologne smells so good I could just eat my wrist!

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