Mar 19, 2012

Randomness #9

Good old randomness.  I realize that everything on this blog is random, but in these posts the randomness is  even more quick and in small bursts.

Did I mention my greatest fear is wasps?  Totally wasps.  Bees and bumblebees aren't great either but there's a certain debilitating fear of the sickening hanging legs of the most vile insect upon the face of this earth.  This might stem from the 1.5 inch pitch black wasps that occasionally plagued my yard in summer when I was a kid.  Those.  Were.  Terrifying.

So... I .... might be possibly acknowledging the notion of the possibility for the potential attempt at asking someone out.  Like, for more than just... asking someone out.  I mean, it's very slightly possible.  In that I'm unsure whether there is some sort of "feelings" for her, but I'm also pretty sure that there aren't not feelings. Man, I WOULD think this 3 weeks before finals.

Apple juice is delicious!

Oh crap, I have clean checks today!  And a midterm!  And I'm donating blood!  MAN I'm glad I withdrew from Chemistry.  I would absolutely die today if I hadn't.

I try to give blood a lot.  It's giving without doing much more than laying there... and bleeding.

I realized the other day how downright terrible I am at recycling.  I could do much better at that, though honestly I question just how useful recycling some things are.  I've that recycling paper takes more energy than planting trees, but that might be wrong.

My vlog has been getting better and getting more views!  One of my next posts will include a piano and me not playing it.  Someone will be playing it, but not me.

If I had a million dollars... I'd... pay for school... then... umm... buy a really nice camera and other sorts of recording equipment... then... then I'm not a sure.  I'd buy you a fur coat, but not a real fur coat that's cruel.

I hav never punched someone with serious intent of causing harm.  Ever.

I got offered weed while I was walking on a sidewalk by a bunch of guys in a beat up car, who had stopped at a stoplight.  I turned these entrepreneurs down.

Feelin' pretty good today, 

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